Monday, October 13, 2008

Blog #6

The wildfires in California are devastating many residents. The article is called 1 killed in Los Angeles-area wildfire I found it on CNN. It’s really sad with this going on many residents are losing their homes practically everything they have. What the firefighters are requesting the residents to do is to flee the area. The fire started on October 13, 2008 early Monday in Los Angeles which burned 3,500 acres of the Angles National Forest and with the help of the Santa Ana winds it even made it worst. Unfortunately one person was killed and they are guessing it was a man which they weren’t able to figure out anything about him but they say perhaps he was a homeless person. This wild fires are really dangerous and are hurting many residents in California many are losing there houses completely too losing loved ones. They won’t be gone with the dry area and wind. The author proved the point to warn people about these wildfires and how they are hurting residents. He proved his point right especially since I’m from California and I know how harmful they were even though it never affected my area but I understand those people how they feel.

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