Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blog 5: ‘Twilight’ Leads at U.S. Box Office

Ever since the author Stephanie Meyer started with her hit books starting with Twilight it’s been a huge hit, but now with the movie dropping in this weekend. I read an article on the New York Times called ‘Twilight’ Leads at U.S. Box Office written by Brooks Barnes on November 23, 2008. The movie set their point to selling about 60 million dollars, but it made 70 million dollars. Summit entertainment that sponsored the movie had a huge outcome with the movie. The movie appears Kristen Stewart that plays the role of Bella Swan and Robert Pattinson who plays the role of Edward Cullen. The book is about a girl who is Bella that moves from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington with her dad. In school she met Edward who she falls deeply in love with Edward, but without her knowing that he is a vampire she starts figuring out towards the end who he really is. I went to go watch the movie and the author proved his point it was hard to get this ticket every theater sold out and the theaters were packed people were sitting in their seats for a couple of hours trying to get good spots. Now with Twilight leaving anxious for the other movie that is set to be filmed soon New Moon many teenage girls can’t wait for the other movie.


Anonymous said...

wow they did make the hit list.
hehe i should probally start reading that book now.
nice blog =]

jennyp said...

I LOVED TWILIGHT!! I am so glad that it made top in the box office