Monday, February 2, 2009

S.2 Q.3 Overcoming Struggles Blog#2

The theme for this blog is someone overcoming struggle or facing a difficulty. On CNN there’s an article that relates to this theme called Skydiver lands with dying instructor at his back. Daniel Pharr decided to go sky diving because his girlfriend had gave him that gift for Christmas to go sky diving. This was Pharr’s first time skydiving he was thousands of feet over South Carolina and the instructor was strapped on to his back. The instructors name was George “Chip” Steele of Skydive Carolina. Pharr said he was having a conversation with him and asking him questions after a while he asked a question and he didn’t respond and he asked again and he still didn’t respond and Pharr knew something was wrong. He decided not to panic and stay calm till he reached the ground safely. Once they landed Pharr attempted CPR but it was sadly too late. Steele apparently age of forty-nine was reported to die because of a heart attack. Pharr’s girlfriend said she’s having regrets about the gift. Pharr is just sad what Steele’s family is going through right now and understands their pain. Pharr reported he tried to help him and do what he was trained for but it was just too late. Pharr said his family has prohibited him to go sky diving and he said he wont complain about it.

Sidersky, Robyn. “Skydiver lands with dying instructor at his back”. CNN.COM. 2 February 2009. 2 February 2009

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