Monday, December 29, 2008

Blog #11

An article called Highways closed, flights canceled as winter roars in was posted on CNN. It talked about how the weather has been affecting many flights. Many residents in the United States been stuck in airports because of many flights that they booked for so long have been cancelled. Many people weren’t so happy to have cancelled their vacations or not going to go see their family for the holidays. The airports that were affected the most were like the ones on the East coast like the New Jersey, JFK, AND La Guardia airports. The streets are all icy and many highways were closed until they cleared and they safe for a while. Many people were affected by this like a seventy-year old woman was found dead outside her house in Ohio. In Indiana pipes burst in a college the weather has just affected many areas around the globe especially with all this global warming we don’t know what to expect.

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